Sunday 17 November 2013

It is all about technology. (VOKI)


Voki is an educational tool that allows users to create their very own talking character and ideas.
I have enjoy working with voki, it was very educated and interesting.

My five characteristics of a community of learners.

Monday 28 October 2013

Reflective Prompts on working with Digital Databases

                                            Digital Databases

A digital database is a collection of information which is use everyday, eg. contacts in your phone stored in data base, Facebook etc.There have a organised, structure which is stored in field that stores different type of data. Search for specific records in any order frame.

It's value lot of experience in the different areas that I have improve the knowledge which was gain by myself.
Tertiary level Institutions invest in Digital databases because higher education play a great role in society, making new knowledge for the students. Upgrading the students learning ability  and to organised them for the up coming modern future.
Working with my colleagues today, I felt that the most important strategy for me was respecting them.
I do respect my colleagues with there decisions.Today we had a very great interaction with each other,sharing thoughts about given topic to discuss.Their were this topic I was uncertain about, and I told them and their assisted me on what I needed to know. I gust that how groups communicate with each other when there are experience teachers who are your colleagues.

The experience has given me thoughts about myself. It has changed me lot by focusing more toward my career path. In other words I have confidence, knowledge and ability on becoming someone successful as a reflective educator.
Before today I had been trying to be true to myself of my identity. Work hard to be smart was not my number one option, but now to my experience I am very comfortable on giving my best in every thing I do.
In today's session I relies that my weakens area was having fright in saying something wrong.But at the end there were no such thing of saying something wrong.


Sunday 13 October 2013

Steps to better student engagement

(1) Today in class our group choose and presented Ethiopia, steps to better student engagement. We discussed the following:
      - Create an Emotionally safe classroom
 This is way students who have been shamed or belittle by the teacher or another student will not effectively engage in challenging tasks. Examples bad vs good teachers.
Bad teacher:
We looked at where a teacher asked a question to the class and there were a student who came rushing up and started shouting the answer. The teacher became very upset and speak to the child in an very inappropriate manner.She said,"what kind of monkey behavior is that ? what kind of stupid attitude you are getting on with?"
Where As a Good teacher:
Normally a good teacher would reply to student and say," your answer was good but not what i was looking for, thank you and please raise your hand next time. You may take your seat now."

Students in school get used to doing work at a consistent level of quality. Unfortunately, low performing students get used to doing poor quality work. Example Revision from the previous class may help student with better understanding and refreshing there minds.This will improve there strengths and weakness in students areas.

-Marketing your projects
As teachers, we must be ready with the best answers possible for our students. Great project will  helps in their lives,jobs, or relationships. Example we look at how addition affects our everyday life's.
I asked my students why addition in important? Some answers were they do not like maths. Her parents do not use maths, so why should I. I explained to them giving them some ideas on how this affects our life's and how important this is. Example 1) when you go to the canteen to purchase a juice for $3.00 and a corn curls for $2.00, the total will be $5.00. You will have to know if the money you are giving the canteen lady is correct and if you have to receive change.
2) the next example i shared with my students were, some of you students travel to and from  if i am not mistaken?
you all will have to know how much to give the taxi driver and if you have to collected change make sure you get the correct amounted.

(2) Working with pre-service teachers has been great in our group. We all exchanged ideas but there contributed a lot more than us due to there experiences as teachers from before. Because at that moment I was very nervous , my feet were cold but there were here for me  by encouraging me and letting me know that it is not hard and one's you get the grep for the first time you will  like it. What they said was true, i did liked it and I will try again.

(3) I realized that they were good communication amount members in the group. For the members who have the experience give those were not. it turned out to be successful.

(4) However, I am still weak in presenting my work in front of my classmates, this has  caused me a lot of mistakes by stumbling and repeating  my words.. This is worth improving because later on I will have many presentation to do like this.

(5) The engagement strategies and scenarios that we developed as a team were very important for me, the pre service teachers to take into consideration our students.

(6) This helped me to improved my strengths and weakness about the important of the steps to better student engagement. A more clear vision on how to go about helping and guiding along  my students in the further.

Saturday 5 October 2013

My Pedagogic Creed

                                              National Pledge, Education and School.

As a teacher i am expected to give my students a clear explanation of the national pledge, eg. we stand at attention to show respect as we are citizens of this nation.
Explain to then on how the words of the national pledge affect our every day life.
It is important for everyone, not only students but adults who do not care for their country.
I will teach my students to support,honor and to be proud of their country as Trinidadians.
According to John Dewey, The School Journal, Volume LIV, Number 3 (January 16, 1897), pages 77-79
I believe that it is also a social necessity because the home is the form of social life in  which the child has been natured and in connection with which he has his moral training. It is the business of the school to deepen and extend his sense of the values bound up in his home life.
I believe that these interests are neither to be humored nor repressed. To repress interest is to substitute the adult for the child, and so weaken intellectual curiosity and alertness, to suppress initiative, and to deaden interest. To humor the interests is to substitute the transient for permanent. The interest is always the sign of some power below; the important thing is to discover this power. To humor the interest is to fail to penetrate below the surface and its sure result is to substitute caprice and whim for genuine interest.

Trinidad & Tobago Independence Pledge

         Trinidad & Tobago
       Independence Pledge

I solemnly pledge to dedicate my life
To the service of God
And to my country.

I will honor my parents,
My teachers, my leaders and my elders,
And those in authority

I will be clean and honest in all my thoughts,
My words and my deeds.

I will strive, in everything I do
To work together with my fellowmen
Of every creed and race
For the greater happiness of all
And the honor and glory
Of my country.

Friday 20 September 2013



                         REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONER

The purpose of this journal is to development a professional knowledge and understanding, to focus on analyzing, reconsidering and questioning experiences with in a context, (Moon 1999).
It also enables me to understand how to become a critical thinker in a practical situation and how to combine action and learn in a more effective way.

As a reflective practitioner I understand that I am expected to analyse a scenario on how to go about improving that scenario, based on strengths and weaknesses. Also learn from my past experiences by keeping records to develop my own ability in the future.

To me this process seems vital and important because it is base on critical thinking and it will help me to develop and enhance my  professional skill future.

My current opinion of my ability and skills as a teacher is at an learning stage.

Monday 16 September 2013




My name is Yashoda Harripersad and I am twenty one years of age. I live with my both parents and my sister. I am a resident of the Barrackpore district. I am a student of the University of Trinidad and Tobago where I am pursuing my Bachelor of Education.
I consider myself to be humble, generous, loving, understanding and sensitive. I enjoy socializing with others, as well as, I respect everyone's opinion. I believe that everyone should be treated equally.
I adore children, thus choosing the teaching career. I have always wanted to teach since I was a little girl. I believe that I can positively make a contribution to the youth. I have been given an opportunity to fulfill my dream of becoming a qualified teacher. I believe that every child has the ability to learn  and each child learns differently. I believe the knowledge, skills and experience I have acquired will indeed help me to educate our nations' children.