Saturday 5 October 2013

My Pedagogic Creed

                                              National Pledge, Education and School.

As a teacher i am expected to give my students a clear explanation of the national pledge, eg. we stand at attention to show respect as we are citizens of this nation.
Explain to then on how the words of the national pledge affect our every day life.
It is important for everyone, not only students but adults who do not care for their country.
I will teach my students to support,honor and to be proud of their country as Trinidadians.
According to John Dewey, The School Journal, Volume LIV, Number 3 (January 16, 1897), pages 77-79
I believe that it is also a social necessity because the home is the form of social life in  which the child has been natured and in connection with which he has his moral training. It is the business of the school to deepen and extend his sense of the values bound up in his home life.
I believe that these interests are neither to be humored nor repressed. To repress interest is to substitute the adult for the child, and so weaken intellectual curiosity and alertness, to suppress initiative, and to deaden interest. To humor the interests is to substitute the transient for permanent. The interest is always the sign of some power below; the important thing is to discover this power. To humor the interest is to fail to penetrate below the surface and its sure result is to substitute caprice and whim for genuine interest.

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