Sunday 9 March 2014

A day in observation blog post

I observed a standard 3 class for my field observation. During the class session the students were paying full attention to their teacher teach a topic on dissolve. The teacher were well prepared to teach her subject with her lesson plan, assessment rubric and a wide variety of activities.
Spending the day was a life experience opportunity for me because i was given a chance to be part of the  teaching experiences.
I felt as a future teacher in this environment. The exercise was useful for me because it enhances me with more knowledge and experiences in and out the classroom with students. I believe i was viewed as a further teacher. Before this i of myself as not being a professional.
My communication skills were tested because it is an important role in career, it decides if your jobs at risks or not. To see how my communication / massages send across to the receiver  in different ways. There are verbal and non verbal.
Being able to stand in a professional way i decided i wouldn't let any one speak down at me and i would know their right and let others know that i am human too.

Saturday 22 February 2014

2nd Day Observation

My second day observation did not went well at all. We were not allow to go to our various classes because there were mid term examinations going on. The principal told us he don't want us to disturb the students.
We decided to complete our environment observation which took about two hours for the most. During the rest of the day we sit outside on the stage. It was not comfortable at all, the principal had loss our information which he was support to gather for us. There was one teacher who attended to us every single time he pass in front seeing us sitting on the stage. He told us he didn't like how we were sitting here and asked if we wanted to go down on the play field but the sun was to hot and then we said in cased if some one looking for us, there wouldn't find us. He reply and said OK then and went on his way.
At the end of the day we still didn't received our information from the principal. He told us we would have to come back on Thursday for it.
To my knowing i didn't like the  way they had treated us knowing there were two  past students who attended there school and there knew that to. We didn't feel welcome in there institution at all.
We were placed with year four's  but there had a problem with us being there at the same class room on observation. There were nice in front our face but as soon as the day went by, there said all source of thing about us. And these are the future teachers.
Before we leave the school we made sure and shown our gratitude and give our vote of Thanks to the Principal and staff for accommodating us in his institution.

Saturday 15 February 2014

My First Day Of Observation

 My First Day Of Observation

As I enter into the school compound ( Clarke Rochard Government Primary School)  i was very excited and looking forward on having a marvelous day ahead. Not  knowing my first day of observation would change. When we went by the Principal office, we had to wait for 45 mins outside in the sun. In order words we did not had a warm welcome at all. There were no seating providing for us outside and when we came face to face with the Principal he asked us if we were from UTT and we reply and said yes. After he went his way to carry out assembly, we payed respect to pray, anthem and pledge . He spoke about Sport Day and PTA after the students were dismiss to there various classes and yet he went again like not noticing if we were there. The vice Principal came and welcome us inside there office and provided seat arrangement for us and said we would have to wait for the Principal to come back. A few minutes later the Principal came back and saw us and said he wasn't expecting us today and told us he would talk to us just now. My face change when he said that, I thought we will have to go back home. He called us into his office and tell us to sit but there wasn't enough seating provided. The Principal show us the dates on his calendar that he was expected us. I handed the envelope that we support to give him and he open and read it and said OK then. We were place into classrooms, I were place in a standard three class with two teachers, a preserve teacher from UTT year 4 and a co-prorating teacher with a class of 21 students; 11 boys and 10 girls, age ranges 8 to 10 years . Both staff were very helpful thought out my first day of observation. There were lot of observing we did in and out the classroom, I would say it was quit a success for me so far.

Sunday 26 January 2014

Inteview with a student based on her 3 days observation

 Interview with a student based on her 3 days observation

I have been told to ask a year 2 student about their 3 days observation.
The following questions were asked:

1) What was your proudest moment?

2) What was the hardest task?

3) What do you wish you had known before the experience?

Here are the responds and data I received from the student on 24th January, 2014.

1) The practicum were to help with the knowledge of what teachers did in class, how they taught (teaching styles) and the schedule of the day. Her proudest moment was actually having this opportunity  to observe a different school and learn about the different school culture.

2) The hardest task for those three days is basically to acquire enough information on students and the teachers. This however, is indeed a difficult task because children wouldn't be used to you in the classroom.
Therefore the result of this would not be accurate.

3) Before preceding into the three days of practicum, it would have been best if i known more about the curriculum and also a little knowledge about the school. This would have been a time consumer and I (student) would have gotten time to gain knowledge on the students and teachers in a broad aspect. Also knowledge on what is an Evaluation Record. Most students do not have knowledge of what documents the class teachers has to fulfill.

Thank You!